
Today, I went to office. C and Mr. Nope we’re in as well. I was intending to have McDonald’s for lunch, so was wondering how to avoid them during lunchtime. Anyway, my contemplation was redundant.

Around noon, Mr. Nope was at his seat, and C went to the ladies. Just as I walked to the side cabinet to get some stationery, I heard C walked out. Well, her heels and footsteps are like elephant steps. I didn’t hear them say a word, and when I turned around, they were gone. As I returned to my desk, I saw that their laptops were around, so they couldn’t be having some meeting somewhere. About half an hour later, I realised they went out for lunch. And I was there, but they just went ahead without saying anything. To think that I waited for her for lunch during my initial days, and even offered to help her buy lunch on a couple occasions when she was busy in meetings.

Well, when I returned from buying my McDonald’s lunch, guess who I bumped into at the loft lobby. The two of them. Cool. He’s her pet. Obviously. I don’t give a damn. But I care a great deal about manners. So, from now onwards, I shall not care about my manners in front of her anymore. I mean, when I want to go for my lunch, I will, and without saying a word, of course, don’t even expect me to offer to buy lunch for her ever again.

Ok, I’m petty. Because I’m nice to them, in the most basic ways. Like I helped to get bananas for them in the morning when I got one for myself. And when they are things to be done and I’m capable of it, I do it. From now on, it’s to each his own.

I’m counting down to the day when I will tender my resignation, as well as to my last day at work in this company. Seriously, it sucks to be working here. Fancy talking about being fair and equal with no prejudice and judgement, and whatnots. That’s just the fanciful policy the founder dreams of. Nobody is following or practicing it. Damn. It’s disgusting.

Whatever. I’m so diligent in my new job search. I hope I can get a job before I leave this company. As soon as I get a job, I will tender. But I don’t think I will get one soon. The market is horrible with so many jobseekers around. Not just locals, but a lot of the so-called foreign talents.

Bless me. Please.

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